A Memorial Ceremony that honours your loved one
A memorial service is held after, or sometimes in the place of, a funeral. It can also be used to mark the anniversary of an event that resulted in the person’s death. No matter the reason, a memorial service can be helpful to the loved ones of the deceased in their grieving process and serve as a celebration of the person’s life.
Memorial ceremonies can be held any amount of time after a funeral, either for a more public audience, or just for loved ones who could not attend the funeral. It is becoming more popular to have a direct cremation, where no family attend the crematorium, and to then have a memorial in place of a funeral. The body is not present at a memorial ceremony and the purpose is to remember the deceased and allow loved the opportunity to remember their loved one and to grieve.
Often a memorial service will be more a celebration of the deceased’s life . They can be quite lively occasions, with storytelling, singing, jokes, and toasts to the deceased.
A memorial service can be held in a home, Community building, workplace, or other location of some significance. The ceremony may include speeches (eulogies), prayers, poems, or songs to commemorate the deceased. Pictures or idea of the deceased and flowers are often used.
A Memorial ceremony will be planned and delivered with the same care and attention to detail as I would for a funeral ceremony. In the first instance I would meet with the family face to face in order to learn about the deceased. From there I am in a position to compose a draft ceremony that is unique and fitting to your loved one. Upon your approval I will then conduct the ceremony at your chosen time and location. A ceremony that will be performed with the compassion and sensitivity that it deserves.